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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Marilynne Robinson's Essay in this week's Times Book Review

Marilynne Robinson is one of my favorite authors, which is no surprise since she wrote a Pulitzer Prize winning novel about a pastor's family in a small town.  She also grew up in the Pacific Northwest, yet manages to live a rich and satisfying adult life in the middle of the country.  For you Hawkeyes, she lives in Iowa City.

Anyway, she has written a marvelous essay for the front page of this week's New York Times Book Review on what literature owes the Bible.  In some ways she makes a similar point as Nietzsche, only she is sympathetic rather than hostile to Christian faith.

If you are an avid reader of serious writing and have not read Marilynne Robinson, I envy you the joy of literary exploration.  This week's essay is a great place to start.